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![]() Geometric Relations Semantics tutorialPrerequisites & software installationSome backgroundThe goal of the geometric relations semantics is to provide semantic checking for calculations with geometric relations between rigid bodies on top of existing geometric libraries, which are only working on specific coordinate representations. Since there are already a lot of libraries with good support for geometric calculations on specific coordinate representations (The Orocos Kinematics and Dynamics library, the ROS geometry library, boost, …) we do not want to design yet another library but rather will extend these existing geometric libraries with semantic support. The effort to extend an existing geometric library with semantic support is very limited: it boils down to the implementation of about six function template specializations. In this tutorial we will show how the geometric relations semantics can be used to do
The full information on the geometric relations semantics is available on the geometric-relations-semantics wiki. If you want to take a head-start I advice to read the theoretical article and the software article both accepted as a tutorial for IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine on the 4th June 2012 and 10th September 2012, respectively. Installation instructions
sudo aptitude install ros-groovy-orocos-toolchain rtt_ros_integration
export orocos_toolchain_ros_PATH=`rosstack find orocos_toolchain`; source $orocos_toolchain_ros_PATH/env.sh; export RTTLUA_MODULES=`rospack find ocl`/lua/modules/?.lua if [ "x$LUA_PATH" == "x" ]; then LUA_PATH=";;" fi export LUA_PATH="$LUA_PATH;$RTTLUA_MODULES" * Next, get the sources from git using: git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/geometric_relations_semantics.git git clone https://github.com/tdelaet/geometric_relations_semantics_tutorial.git -b assignment
cd geometric_relations_semantics
cd ../geometric_relations_semantics_tutorial
rosdep install geometric_relations_semantics_tutorial rosmake geometric_relations_semantics_tutorial Everything should compile out of the box, and you are now ready to start using geometric relation semantics tutorial. Part 1: Getting familiar with the basicsTo get familiar with the basics we will follow the tutorials as proposed on the http://www.orocos.org/wiki/geometric-relations-semantics-wiki/tutorials geometric relations semantics homepage. The goal is to find how the geometric semantics can help to avoid commonly made errors and to get familiar with the current available software support. Part 2: Facilitating system integration using the geometric semanticsIn the second tutorial we will investigate how the geometric semantics can be used for avoiding errors in geometric relations calculations and during system integration. IdeaIn this tutorial we will show how the semantics for geometric relations between rigid bodies can be used in robotics. To this end we use the example illustrated in the figure above, in which two robots cooperate for spray painting a cylindrical object. The first robot holds the cylindrical object, while the other robot holds the spray gun. To complete the painting task, the robot programmer has to determine the joint angles of the second robot holding the spray gun such that a predefined pose between the spray gun and cylindrical object is obtained (the joint angles of the first robot holding the cylindrical object are given). In a first step, the rigid bodies and the frames attached to them are identified:
In our example the following poses are available:
In order to find the joint angles of the second robot the robot programmer has to find PoseCoord({e2}|E2 , {b2}|B2 , [b2]), and subsequently use the inverse kinematics of the second robot. Your task is to find PoseCoord({e2}|E2 , {b2}|B2 , [b2]) such that we can use an inverse kinematics algorithm (for instance from orocos-kdl) to determine the joint angles. Software setupSince this tutorial also wants to show how the geometric relation semantics can be used during system integration the tutorial integrates orocos components and ros nodes. The tuturial has the two orocos components:
PoseCoordSemantics({e2}|E2 , {b2}|B2 , [b2]). This component runs aperiodically by waking up upon receival of a pose. and one ros node:
Your assignment is to fill in the necessary calculations in node. The two orocos components are available in the geometric_relations_semantics_tutorial_orocos_components package. The template of the ros node is available in the geometric_relations_semantics_tutorial_ros_nodes package. Running the software
roscore * In a second terminal, go to the geometric_relations_semantics_tutorial_orocos_components package and start the orocos components: roscd geometric_relations_semantics_tutorial_orocos_components rosrun ocl rttlua-gnulinux -i deploy_tutorial.lua If you get the error ”/opt/ros/groovy/stacks/orocos_toolchain/ocl/bin/rttlua-gnulinux: deploy_tutorial.lua:6: TaskContext.getPeer: no peer Deployer”, replace Deployer by deployer on line 6 of deploy_tutorial.lua (will appear on older orocos_toolchain releases by a backwared incompatible change in rttlua). In this terminal you can see the output of the orocos components. If the semantics of the poses received by the subscriber does not comply with what is expected (defined in the props_subscriber.cpf) it will raise an Error.
roscd geometric_relations_semantics_tutorial_ros_nodes bin/node At first you will see some output telling you that you still have to fill in the calculations. If you add geometric relations semantics calculations mesages concerning the semantic (in)correctness of them will be shown. Details on what to do* Go to the geometric_relations_semantics_tutorial_ros_nodes package roscd geometric_relations_semantics_tutorial_ros_nodes * Open the node.cpp file with your favourite editor vim node.cpp * The file already contains the entire skeleton and code for receiving a pose and publishing the result. Furthermore, the available poses (see above) have been predefined and some intermediate poses (that you can use for your calculations) have been allocated. * Fill in the doGeometricSemanticsCalculations function with the necessary geometric relations calculations. Presentation |
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