Info about the iTASC Workshop


The workshop consists of three rather independent parts.

  • The first session is a presentation session, it introduces the basic concepts of Orocos application programming, followed by rFSM state charts and the iTaSC framework.
  • The second session is a hands-on session, that aims at making the participants familiar with rFSM state charts, which is a powerful though easy to use tool for robotic coordination and supervision tasks. The session will be a guided exercise where the participants have to create an application with interacting state machines, that can be used for example to coordinate the behavior of the iTaSC application of the following session.
  • The third sessions is also a hands-on session, that aims at introducing the concepts of constraint-based motion specification using the iTaSC framework. This session will also be a guided exercise where the participants will have to create an application consisting of multiple tasks on a KUKA Youbot robot in simulation. Eg. Drawing a figure on the ceiling and avoiding (self-)collisions.

Installation/ Getting started