PublicationsThis page lists publications created as part of the RoboHow project, as well as a few earlier publications describing relevant techniques employed in the project. Introducing Geometric Constraint Expressions into Robot Constrained Motion Specification and Control (bibtex)
@ARTICLE{ BorghesanScioni2016, author = {Borghesan, G. and Scioni, E. and Kheddar, A. and Bruyninckx, H.}, journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, title = {Introducing Geometric Constraint Expressions into Robot Constrained Motion Specification and Control}, year = {2016}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {1140-1147}, keywords = {Aerospace electronics;Monitoring;Numerical models;Planning;Robot sensing systems;Trajectory;Behaviour-Based Systems;Middleware and Programming Environments;Motion and Path Planning;Software}, doi = {10.1109/LRA.2015.2506119}, ISSN = {2377-3766}, month = {July} } Powered by bibtexbrowser