PublicationsThis page lists publications created as part of the RoboHow project, as well as a few earlier publications describing relevant techniques employed in the project. Understanding and Executing Instructions for Everyday Manipulation Tasks from the World Wide Web. (bibtex) [pdf]
@InProceedings{tenorth10webinstructions, author = {Moritz Tenorth and Daniel Nyga and Michael Beetz}, title = {{Understanding and Executing Instructions for Everyday Manipulation Tasks from the World Wide Web.}}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).}, year = {2010}, pages={1486--1491}, bib2html_pubtype = {Conference Paper}, bib2html_groups = {K4C}, bib2html_funding = {CoTeSys}, bib2html_rescat = {Reasoning, Planning}, bib2html_domain = {Assistive Household} } Powered by bibtexbrowser