PublicationsThis page lists publications created as part of the RoboHow project, as well as a few earlier publications describing relevant techniques employed in the project. Force-Sensorless and Bimanual Human-Robot Comanipulation (bibtex) [pdf]
@inproceedings{vanthienen_syroco2012, title={Force-Sensorless and Bimanual Human-Robot Comanipulation}, author={Dominick Vanthienen and Tinne De Laet and Wilm Decré and Herman Bruyninckx and Joris De Schutter}, booktitle={{ 10th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO)}}, year={2012}, month = {September, 5--7}, address = {Dubrovnik, Croatia}, volume = {10}, bib2html_pubtype = {Conference Paper}, } Powered by bibtexbrowser