PublicationsThis page lists publications created as part of the RoboHow project, as well as a few earlier publications describing relevant techniques employed in the project. Dual arm manipulation - survey (bibtex) [pdf]
@article{Smith2012, title = "Dual arm manipulation - survey", journal = "Robotics and Autonomous Systems", volume = "60", number = "10", pages = "1340--1353", year = "2012", note = "", issn = "0921-8890", doi = "10.1016/j.robot.2012.07.005", OPTurl = "", author = "Christian Smith and Yiannis Karayiannidis and Lazaros Nalpantidis and Xavi Gratal and Peng Qi and Dimos V. Dimarogonas and Danica Kragic", OPTkeywords = "Dual arm robots", OPTkeywords = "Domestic manipulation", OPTkeywords = "Survey", OPTkeywords = "Control", OPTkeywords = "Modelling", OPTkeywords = "Planning", OPTkeywords = "Learning" } Powered by bibtexbrowser