
This page lists publications created as part of the RoboHow project, as well as a few earlier publications describing relevant techniques employed in the project.

Hierarchical Hypergraphs for Knowledge-centric Robot Systems: a Composable Structural Meta Model and its Domain Specific Language NPC4 (bibtex)
@ARTICLE{         ScioniBruyninckx2016, 
  author         = {Scioni, Enea and H\"{u}bel, Nico and Blumenthal, Sebastian and Shakhimardanov, Azamat and Klotzb\"{u}cher, Markus and Garcia, Hugo and Bruyninckx, Herman}, 
  title          = {Hierarchical Hypergraphs for Knowledge-centric Robot Systems: a Composable Structural Meta Model and its Domain Specific Language {NPC4}},
  journal        = JOSER,
  year           = {2016},
  volume         = {7},
  number         = {1},
  pages          = {55--74},
  keywords       = {MDE, DSL, structural model, composition, hiearchical hypergraphs}
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