This page lists publications created as part of the RoboHow project, as well as a few earlier publications describing relevant techniques employed in the project.
@inproceedings{iros12semantic_mapping, title={Semantic Object Maps for Robotic Housework - Representation, Acquisition and Use}, author={Dejan Pangercic and Moritz Tenorth and Benjamin Pitzer and Michael Beetz}, booktitle={{2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}}, year={2012}, month = {October, 7--12}, address = {Vilamoura, Portugal}, bib2html_pubtype = {Conference Paper}, bib2html_groups = {K4C, EnvMod}, bib2html_funding = {CoTeSys}, bib2html_rescat = {Representation, Reasoning, Perception}, bib2html_domain = {Assistive Household} }